The DM's Helper


Note: This is NOT an official Bioware product, it is a fan created tool intended to assist Dungeon Masters.


Download | Installation Instructions | Credits/About | HardCore Ruleset Mod | Player AutoFollow


What is the DM's Helper?

The DM's Helper is a fan created tool designed to assist Neverwinter Nights Dungeon Masters, it is capable of many functions that are not provided by default in the DM Client and should be an invaluable tool for any DM. It selects its functions based on the target chosen (Player, Creature, Door, Object, None) and presents conversation options to the DM for its interface. 


Serious DM's should also check out the HardCore Ruleset Mod, (Lead: Archaegeo)  


For Players there is also the Auto Follow Wand, this item allows players to Auto-Follow each other, and will work on any server running the DM's Helper.


Current Features:

DM's Helper Version 1.2.7

If cast on a player
- Display attributes (stats, equipped items, player name, etc)
- Change alignment (Law, Chaos, Good, Evil) by one or five points
- Give the player a full map of the area
- Follow the player
- Force the player to follow you (for a short period of time)
- Take items - all equipped, all unequipped, all items, or an item equipped into a specific slot
- Penguin the player - paralyze the player, and turn him into a penguin
- Unpenguin the player
- Boot the PC out of the game

If cast on a creature
- Display attributes (stats, equipped items, player name, etc)
- Change alignment (Law, Chaos, Good, Evil) by one or five points
- Follow the creature
- Force the creature to follow you (for a short period of time) (it will resume walking
waypoints, if any, once it stops following)
- Take items - all equipped, all unequipped, all items, or an item equipped into a specific slot
- Kill creature, leaving a corpse

If cast on a creature or selectable object
- Kill object, leaving any loot it would normally leave
- Destroy this object

If cast on a door
- lock or unlock the door

If cast without a target
- Change the weather of the area (rain, snow, clear, or original map setting)
- Reload the current running module (use with caution, may cause server to become unstable on large maps)
- Advance the current time of day by one, three, or five hours
- Advance to the next day or night period
- Destroy an object that is close by (includes untargettable objects)