The DM's Helper

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Installation Instructions


If you already have a version of the Wand in your module, do the following before installing
(this will prevent any errors if script or function names have changed)
1. delete the dmshelper object from the module
2. delete the dmwand conversation script
3. delete jth_dmwand and all dmw_* scripts

Importing the item into the module:
1. Unzip the zipfile into a directory by itself
2. Load the module you want to add it to
3. Go to File->Import on the menu. Browse to dmshelper.erf, select it, and hit ok.
4. Go to File->Import on the menu. Browse to dmwand.erf, select it, and hit ok.
5. If you need the OnActivateItem script, go to File->Import on the menu. Browse to dmwonactivate.erf, select it, and hit ok. Hit ok without selecting anything in the dialog that asks about overwriting resources.
6. Save your module, then reload it
7. Go to Edit->Module Properties
8. On the "Events" tab, you can do one of two things:
- a. Set the module's OnActivateItem to dmw_activate
- b. Add the code from dmw_activate into your current OnActivateItem, For example, if you want to integrate the DM's Helper into Bioware's Official Campaign, use this for your OnActivate script.
9. The DM's Helper wand should now be in your list of custom items, under "Special"->"Custom1". Either drop it somewhere in your module, or use the Creator to spawn in a copy while logged into your module as DM.